Maisha Bora Suba

Group Information

Our first group, from the Mara Regio (Roria District) was formed in 2012. They are from the Abhasimbete community. Their style is Rirandi and they play the Zeze/Endongwe (a one stringed instrument similar to the Kenyan Orutu and Ugandan Rigi Rigi), Rirandi (a giant horn, similar to the Uganda Big Wala, but made with 6 gourds, not one), Ekeborogo (flute), the Ekedomwa (drums), Ama’ghorro (huge leg shakers), and Firimbi (whistle).   They wore Amahunsho (grasses that are attached to the shoulders, and shake with their shoulders’ movement), Enyandusbi (beads) and the men carried Omuhiyo (wooden knife) and the woman carried Omughango (spoons).  The leg shakers were amazing and we’ve never seen anything like them.