Stories > Field Reports

Day Two: 8 March 2022 (Ilesi)

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DAY 2: Tuesday, 08 March 2022 Artiste: Obasie Palnyang Band Genre: Iteso grooves Location: Josephine Garden – Ilesi Field Notes: We woke up to a misty morning on the second day of our recording. The plan for the day was to record the Obasie Palnyang band. Seeing the dark clouds hanging over the horizon we decided not…

Day Five: January 22, 2019 Mwanza Continued

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We returned to the same location (Kagera Bukoba) as yesterday to record three groups: Group 1: Karambi Sanaa Group: From Kagera Bukoba and part of the Wahaya Community, this group was formed in 2000 and performs in the Akasimbo style. Their instruments are: Kangote (Drums), Akafotho (hand whistling), Enganja: Clapper – two wooden ‘bricks’ struck together,…

Day Three: 9 March 2022 (Kisumu)

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DAY 3: Wednesday, 09 March 2022 Act One Artiste: Peter Akwabi Genre: Omutibo  Location: Dunga Hill Camp – Kisumu. Field Notes: We left Khayega for Kisumu at 10:00am and made a quick stop at Kiboswa ‘city’ on our way to the Lakeside city. This historic center, inhabited by the Luo, Luhya and the Kalenjin tribes of…