We would like thank all the organisations and individuals who have supported Singing Wells to date, including the following:
The Ciputra Group
Type of sponsorship: Supporting Singing Wells projects in 2014
Thank you to The Ciputra Group for their generous support in 2014. Funds will be directed towards the Singing Wells project to repatriate the music recordings of Hugh Tracey currently archived in the International Library of African Music (ILAM) to the villages where the original recordings were made. See our post on this project here.
The Mara Group
Type of sponsorship: Field recording day, Uganda 2013

Thank you to The Mara Group for sponsoring one of the field recording days during our visit to Central Uganda in November 2013. The donation was dedicated to our recording day in Mbale. Click here to read our field report from that day. We were also delighted to welcome Brad Gibbs from Mara to our recording session in Entebbe on our last day in Uganda – click here.
Click here to find out more about Mara and the projects supported by The Mara Foundation in East Africa.
Bain Capital
Type of Sponsorship: Sponsor of Music Groups, Uganda 2013 
Thank you to Bain Capital for their generous donation to Singing Wells in 2013 which was used to provide support to 2 music groups during our visit to Central Uganda in November 2013.
For more information about Bain Capital click here.
Gorilla Tours
Type of Sponsorship: Donations in kind 
Gorilla Tours have been a great support to us since we went to Kisoro in 2011 to record the Batwa people. The Singing Wells team stayed at the Traveller’s Rest Hotel during that visit and since then have also stayed at the Airport Guesthouse, Entebbe and Fort Murchison, Murchison Falls National Park. We can recommend all three lodges in Uganda where we have always received a most friendly welcome and good hospitality.
We are grateful to Gorilla Tours, and in particular to Jan Willem Van De Kamp and Charles Mugoya, for their sponsorship of our Uganda 2013 field recording visit which included accommodation at the Airport Guesthouse and the use of their 4×4 truck and wonderful driver, Musa.
Anne Wright, The Wright Approach
Type of sponsorship: Field Recording day in Kenya, Music of the Kalenjin, March 2012
Thank you to Anne for her kind and generous donation to towards our 2012 field recording visit to Kenya. Read all about it here.
Institute of International Education
Type of sponsorship: Field Recording Visit, Music of the Batwa, Uganda 2011
Through our relationship with The Ford Foundation we were able to apply for a grant from the IIE to fund our field recording visit to Kisoro in south west Uganda in 2011. Here we visited 6 Batwa communities and recorded their wonderful songs and traditional dance. We were also able to tell the story of their lives since they were moved from their forest homes in order to create a National Park to protect the mountain gorilla population in the area. We would like to thank the IIE for their generous support of the project which has resulted in a wonderful catalogue of Batwa songs and dance traditions. We continue to support the Batwa communities we visited through our strong relationship with the United Organisation for Batwa Development in Uganda (UOBDU).
Type of sponsorship: discounted services
Our entire archive is available to listen to on Soundcloud, and their players power the audio playback on our site – click here to visit our archive. Thanks to Soundcloud for their continued support in the Singing Wells project. You can sign up for a free Soundcloud account which will give you the ability to comment on our recordings.
To find out more about Soundcloud, go to: http://www.soundcloud.com
Nebulo Strata
Type of sponsorship: discounted services 
Nebulo Strata have been on board from the start of The Singing Wells project, helping to design and put into practice our ideas for our website. Our website is the main repository for all of our recording activities in East Africa, and the we are very proud of the latest version.
Thanks to Wes and the team at Nebulo Strata for their continued help and support.
To find out more, go to: http://www.nebulostrata.com
Clarkson, Wright & Jakes
Type of Sponsor: donation in kind
Thanks to Clarkson, Wright and Jakes solicitors who were a big help when we set up our charity, The Abubilla Music Foundation.
For more information on their services, head to their website at: http://www.cwj.co.uk/
Sheen Sports, London SW14
Type of sponsorship: donation in kind 
Thanks to Sheen Sports shop for providing footballs which we took as gifts to Uganda in 2013. During our field trips we often find that the whole village community comes to watch the performances we are recording. We have found that a football is an ideal and inclusive gift to offer the gathered crowd before we leave!