Mariene Traditional Dancers

14.03.04 G 1 close up lady (Large)

Group Information

14.03.04 G 1 x (Large)

Mariene Traditional Dancers, formed in 2003, led by Simon Munuki.  They are from the Ameru Ethnic Community. Their musical style is Kirarire and Authi.

The lead singer wears Murungi, an ornament on both sides of the arms which is worn by the initiator/circumciser; it signifies a man of respect and authority.

Their costumes include Lesos, necklaces, face painting, spears, fly whisks, gourds, and head gear, called Nkoroimade out of cow skin, with Monkey hide.  The women cover themselves with green head scarves.  The group uses the Kibere (shaker), performed by Jeremiah M’Mbiwiriaft, and the Coro (the flute), played by Simon Muriuki.   The group played five songs, plus performed three magic moments:

Recording Information

4th March 2014

Recording location:

Mariene, Kenya

Audio by:

Steve Kivutia, Ketebul Music & Andy Patterson, Abubilla Music.

Mixed by Andy Patterson

Video by:

Patrick Ondiek, Ketebul Music; Jimmy Allen, Abubilla Music and Lewis Koome for Singing Wells